London Times, 17 June 1910, p. 5: RUSSIA. THE TSAR’S YACHTING CRUISE. (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) ST. PETERSBURG, JUNE 16. The Imperial yachting cruise will include a stay of several weeks off Balticport, where the Tsar will review the assembled warships and flotillas. The Standart will then go by easy stages to Riga for the celebration of the bicentenary of the conquest of the Baltic provinces. According to a rumour their Majesties will afterwards visit Darmstadt. A meeting between the Tsar and the Emperor William is in that case considered probable.


I understand that the revision of the Navy Department, called for by the Duma as necessary in the interest of the proper execution of the intended naval programme, now meets with the Emperor’s approval, in spite of the strong opposition of the Court and bureaucratic circles. The inquiry will probably be confided to a special commission. The rumours that it will have a Parliamentary character are unfounded. If the commission is called there is no doubt that the Duma in the autumn will vote the naval programme, which, according to my information, will require £70,000,000 spread over 15 years.

Provided by Stephen McLaughlin