1858-12-03 Steam Navigation
London Times, 3 December 1858, p. 7: No title.
It appears that the Russian Steam Navigation and Trading Company have extended their operations to England. Mr. N. de Novosselsky, the founder and managing director of the company, has just left this country, having purchased eight steamers and established a regular line between London and Odessa. At the same time he has contracted for 12 other steamers to be built. The company now possesses a fleet of 40 steamers, and are understood to have opened not only an extensive river communication between the Black Sea and the interior, of which there was great need, but also regular lines between the different ports of the Black and Azoff Seas and the various Mediterranean ports -- Marseilles, Trieste, Alexandria, Genoa, &c. They are likewise about to open a communication via the river Rhion to Tiflis, and according to some opinions it is probable under these circumstances that the trade formerly carried by English merchants with Persia, through Tiflis, may resume its ancient channel should the Russian Government do away with the existing transit duty.
Provided by Stephen McLaughlin