1870-11-18 THE TREATY OF 1856
London Times, 18 November 1870, p. 3: THE TREATY OF 1856. Constantinople, Nov. 16, 7:10 P.M.
The Russian Note, which was delivered yesterday to the Porte by M. George de Staal, the Chargé d'Affaires of Russia, demands a revision of certain Articles of the Treaty of 1856. It is asserted that the Note is drawn up in a very conciliatory spirit, not in terms calculated to give rise to serious complications.
General Ignatieff is expected here to-morrow.
Vienna, Nov. 17.
The Powers do not intend addressing a collective Note to the Russian Government, but Austria has sent a despatch to St. Petersburg couched in identically the same terms as the despatch of Lord Granville.
The Porte, which only received the official notification of Prince Gortschakoff's demands yesterday, will sned an energetic reply.
Liege, Nov. 17.
The Journal de Liége publishes a letter from Cologne, asserting that Russia intends proposing a Conference, to be held at Brussels, for the purpose of deliberating on a revision of Article 14 of the Treaty of Paris. It is added that Austria and Italy are believed to be in favour of this idea.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 17.
The Emperor has issued a decree instructing the Minister of War to prepare a draught of a law on the subject of the army reserve, and extending liability to military service to all classes of society, with certain limitations.
Provided by Stephen McLaughlin