1870-11-15 RUSSIA AND THE TREATY OF 1856
London Times, 15 November 1870, p. 5: RUSSIA AND THE TREATY OF 1856. (By telegraph.) (From our own correspondent.) Florence, No. 14.
On the Russian note demanding a revision of the Treaty of 1856 becoming known here Signor Minghetti, who was away on leave of absence, returned immediately to his post at Vienna.
Reuter's telegrams.) Vienna, Nov. 14
The Presse publishes what it declares to be an exact analysis of the Circular Note of the Russian Government, which gives notice of its desire to revoke the additional Convention of the Treaties of 1856 bearing on the maintenance of war vessels in the Black Sea.
The Note concludes by stating that at the same time Russia desires that equally full independence and liberty of action should be accorded to the Sultan, and that the rest of the Paris Treaty should not be affected by the revocation of the additional Convention. The Russian Government declares itself, however, ready to enter into negotiations with the other Powers, parties to the Treaty, should such a course be desired, either for the revision or confirmation of the decisions of the Treaty.
Brussels, Nov. 14.
The Indépendance Belge of to-day publishes a telegram from Berlin, stating that Russia had at different times confidentially declared that the neutralization of the Black Sea was insupportable. The recent declaration of the Russian Cabinet, as reported by a telegram from Vienna, appears solely to relate to that point. Russia has never claimed a revision of the territorial cession stipulated by the Treaty of 1856.
Provided by Stephen McLaughlin