London Times, 30 March 1868, p. 11: STEAM NAVIGATION FOR RUSSIA.
The Russian merchants are yearly continuing to develope the internal resources of that empire by means of steam navigation. The Tyne has largely supplied Russia with steam vessels, and this spring a fair number of orders have been completed. Messrs. Leslie [??] and Co. have finished a fleet of steam lighters of considerable tonnage for river service on the Black Sea; and Messrs. Charles Mitchell and Co. have completed a steamer of 300 tons for the commissioners for improving the Don estuaries; they have also on hand a paddle steamer for the Volga, and a steamer named the Alexander, intended for the service between St. Petersburg and the principal towns on Lake Onega. She is 500 tons, will have engines of 120-horse power, will have accommodation for three classes of passengers, and is specially designed for river service and for open water.
Provided by Stephen McLaughlin