London Times, 20 September 1913, p. 10: END OF THE RUSSIAN NAVAL VISIT. ADMIRAL’S THANKS. The Russian Fleet left Portland yesterday afternoon for Brest. The Rurik [Riurik] was the last to get under way, and as she left to follow the remainder of the squadron the Dreadnought fired a salute, to which Rurik replied. A salute was also fired by the shore batteries. Each Russian ship played the English National Anthem as she passed out of the roads.
Admiral von Essen addressed the following letter to the Mayor of Weymouth:–
Sir,– On behalf of the flag-officers, captains, officers, non-commissioned officers and men of the squadron under my command and myself I have the greatest pleasure to beg you to accept, and to transmit to the members of the municipality as well as to the citizens of Weymouth and Portland, our sincerest thanks for the cordial hospitality which has been accorded to us during our stay in this port. I can assure you that we are carrying away with us a recollection which will be a new link in the friendship already uniting the two nations, and which will never fade from our memory.
The Admiral also sent a similar message to Reuter’s Agency for publication, in which he tenders his and his fleet’s heartfelt thanks for the friendly reception given them by the British nation.
Provided by Stephen McLaughlin