London Times, 8 August 1905, p. 8: RUSSIAN GALLANTRY AT TSU SHIMA. A Reuter despatch from Tokio, dated July 4, says: – An officer of the naval staff has made a statement, in which he pays high tribute to some of the Russian officers participating in the battle of the Sea of Japan. He says: – “There were several Russian officers whose conduct in the recent battle deserves to be held high as model and example for all naval officers. Among the most noteworthy was the conduct of Captain Rodionoff, commander of the Admiral Nakhimoff. His gallantry is as praiseworthy as that of Commander Hirose. During the first day of the battle the Nakhimoff was exposed to the fire of our main squadron and sustained serious damage. During the night she was made the object of severe torpedo attacks, and finally, completely disabled, drifted close to Tsu Shima. The vessel was sinking, and Captain Rodionoff sent 70 of the crew to land at Tsu Shima, remaining on board himself with his chief navigator. When the Japanese approached the sinking vessel they asked the captain to leave the ship, but he refused. The Japanese boarded the vessel and endeavoured to drag him into the boat, but he resisted. The vessel was listing badly, and threatened every moment to plunge down into the sea. The Japanese were forced to draw off, and the captain went below, there to meet his death. Suddenly the ship went down, and our men thought the gallant officer was drowned. But Providence willed otherwise. We found the captain and navigator floating in the water locked in each others arms. They had embraced at what they thought was the moment of death and were only half conscious when we rescued them.”

Provided by Stephen McLaughlin