London Times, 18 September 1913, p. 5: THE RUSSIAN NAVAL VISIT. The festivities in honour of the visit of the Russian Fleet to Portland roads were continued yesterday, and many bluejackets spent the day in Weymouth. Three of the Russian ships were thrown open to visitors, many of whom took advantage of the privilege. The impression formed of the appearance of the ships and of the amenities aboard was in the highest degree favourable. The officers exhibited great friendliness and courtesy to the visitors, who were allowed a free run of the vessels.
The Town Clerk of Weymouth (Mr. H.A. Huxtable), who entertained Admiral von Essen at his Dorchester residence on Tuesday, gave a dinner at the Burdon Hotel last night to the Admiral, Vice-Admiral Baron Ferzen, and the principal officers of the Russian Squadron. The massed bands of the fleet played at the Kursaal yesterday evening in aid of the Weymouth Royal Hospital.
Provided by Stephen McLaughlin