London Times, 5 November 1906, p. 10: NAVAL AND MILITARY INTELLIGENCE. (Excerpt) Rear-Adm. Bostroem, commanding the Russian squadron now in British waters, and staff have just visited the works of the Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company (Limited) at Govan. They made a thorough inspection of the warships building there, and expressed the greatest interest in everything they saw. The Russian squadron, which left the Clyde on Saturday night, arrived in Morecambe Bay yesterday afternoon to fulfil their programme of visiting the naval construction works at Barrow and inspecting Messrs. Vickers’ gun firing range at Eskmeals. Officials of the firm went out to meet the Russian ships and extend a welcome. It is expected the visitors will remain at Barrow until November 17, on which date the large battleship RURIK, which is being constructed at Barrow for the Russian navy, will be launched. Arrangements are being made in barrow to extend a hearty welcome to the Russian officers and crew when they land.
Provided by Stephen McLaughlin