1859-09-07 RUSSIA
London Times, 7 September 1859, p. 7: RUSSIA.
On the 10th of August the Emperor of Russia reviewed the two naval divisions at Cronstadt which are about to leave for the Mediterranean and the Amour. The vessels were drawn up in line in the great roadstead. The first line consisted of the vessels destined for the Mediterranean, consisting of the corvette Hango-Udd, the frigate Ilia Mouromets, carrying the flag of Rear-Admiral Nordmann, and the corvette Voll. The vessels destined for the Amour are the corvette Posadnik and the clippers Naiezdnik and Razoinik. His Majesty, on board the steamer Alexandrie, escorted by the steamer Strelna, visited each vessel successively, and spoke kind words to the officers and men, expressing his satisfaction at the appearance of the vessels and crews.
Provided by Stephen McLaughlin