London Times, 1 October 1906, p. 5: MUTINEERS SENTENCED AT KRONSTADT. KRONSTADT, SEPT. 30.* The provisional Court-martial delivered judgment to-day in the cases arising out of the recent sailors mutiny here. M. Onipko, a member of the late Duma, was condemned to lose all civil rights and to be deported, while three peasants were discharged. Nineteen sailors were condemned to death by shooting, 12 to penal servitude for life, 23 to 20 years’, seven to 15 years’, eight to ten years’, 60 to six years’, 22 to four years’ penal servitude, and 420 to service in disciplinary battalions and to various terms of civil imprisonment. All the condemned prisoners were ordered to forfeit their military privileges. A hundred and twenty-nine sailors were acquitted. The sentences are subject to confirmation by General Adelberg, the officiating commandant of the town and fortress of Kronstadt.
Provided by Stephen McLaughlin