1859-08-04 RUSSIA
London Times, 4 August 1859, p. 9: RUSSIA.
A grand naval review was held at Cronstadt on the 23d of July by the Emperor Alexander. The fleet, which was drawn up in two lines, consisted of 21 ships of the line and frigates, chiefly steamers, and a number of gunboats. The screw frigate Grand Admiral, recently constructed in America for the Emperor, excited particular attention. Only four years since the Russian navy possessed but one screw frigate, the Polkan, which remained stationary at Cronstadt. The following are the names of the vessels passed recently in review: --
Ships of the Line. Césarévitsch, Prokhor, Vola, Constantin, Sinope, Viborg, Orel.
Frigates, Corvettes, &c. -- Grosiachtchii, paddle frigate; Khrabrii, ditto; Calévalà, corvette; Posadnik, ditto; Kamschatka, paddle frigate; Ilia Mourometz, screw ditto; Generale-Admirale (Grand Admiral), screw ditto; Svétlana, screw ditto; Olaf, paddle ditto; Rasboïnik, clipper; Naézdnik, clipper; Standarte, Imperial yacht.
Provided by Stephen McLaughlin