1908-11-07 RUSSIA
London Times, 7 November 1908, p. 7: “RUSSIA” (From our own correspondent). St. Petersburg, Nov. 6. Considerable indignation has been aroused by the provisional release of Cornet Kovalensky and his brother, who, by the Articles of War, are liable to the death penalty for the shooting affray on Tuesday night. The student, M. Sanin, who tried to disarm M. Kovalensky and received the second bullet, destined for the wounded policeman, has been visited in hospital by the police authorities. M. Sanin’s act has profoundly modified the attitude of hostility on the part of police towards the students.
By Imperial order, published to-day, 13 admirals, including Rear-Admiral Wirenius, are placed on the retired list. A telegram from Sevastopol reports the departure of the whole Black Sea squadron for a training cruise. It is pointed out in naval circles that this fleet is usually in commission till the end of November.
Provided by Stephen McLaughlin