London Times, 19 September 1913, p. 5: THE RUSSIAN VISIT TO PORTLAND. About 2,000 sailors from the ships of the Russian Squadron in Portland Roads were allowed ashore yesterday, and the majority went to Weymouth, where they amused themselves in various ways. Their curious gravity of demeanour contrasts strongly with the boisterous jollity of the British Bluejackets.
A reception was given yesterday afternoon by Admiral von Essen in his flagship, the Rurik [Riurik], to the Mayor of Weymouth and the principal people of the district, and the Russian Admiral took the opportunity of expressing his warm thanks for the welcome given the fleet and for the liberal entertainment of the men. Last night 400 Russian and 100 British sailors were entertained by the Town Council in the Palm Court at the Pavilion, and the officers were also entertained at the Pavilion. A concert in the Alexandra Gardens followed.
The fleet is expected to leave to-day for Brest.
Provided by Stephen McLaughlin