London Times, 4 June 1906, p. 4: NAVAL AND MILITARY INTELLIGENCE. (Excerpt) The Journal des Débats publishes some details respecting the Russian cruiser the ADMIRAL MAKHAROFF, which, as already reported in The Times, was launched recently at Toulon. The length is 135 mètres (443ft.), the displacement corresponding to the mean draught is 7,900 tons, and the speed is 21 knots. The engines (Belleville boilers with economizers) show a total of 16,500-horse power. The normal coal capacity is 750 tons and the extreme capacity 1,020 tons. The armament comprises two guns of 203 millimètres (8in.), eight, in redoubts, of 152 millimètres (6in.), two of 75 millimètres (3in.), four of 57 millimètres (2¼in.), and two under-water torpedo discharges. The ADMIRAL MAKHAROFF was laid down on April 3, 1905, and will be commissioned at the beginning of 1908.
Provided by Stephen McLaughlin