London Times, 18 January 1911, p. 5: THE NEW NAVAL BASE IN FINLAND. HELSINGFORS, JAN. 13.* The proposed new Russian naval base at Hermansö, near Hangö, will apparently soon be an accomplished fact. On two of the islands masking Hermansö, on the Gulf of Finland side, batteries have already been erected, mounting fortress canon. A squadron of torpedo-boats has been already attached to the base. The principal anchorage will be between Hermansö and Lappvik, where there is a depth of 35 fathoms. It is proposed to cut a deep-water canal through the Isthmus of Lappvik, thus providing an exit direct into the Baltic. At Ekenäs [?], where the land fortifications are to be, 50 barrack buildings are to be constructed, providing accommodation for some 20,000 men, and also for a park of field artillery. It is considered both in Sweden and here that the creation of a naval base near Hangö disposes of the international question of the Aaland Isles, which lie between Hangö and the Swedish coast and which under Treaty may not be fortified.
Provided by Stephen McLaughlin