1870-1117 THE TREATY OF 1856
London Times, 17 November 1870, p. 5: THE TREATY OF 1856. (By telegraph.) (From our own correspondent.) Berlin, Nov. 16, 2:30 P.M.
The British and Turkish Ambassadors at Vienna are conferring with Counts Beust and Andrassy on the question raised by Russia.
The Paris Temps of the 8th inst. says that Paris can be saved only by an offensive movement.
The Paris Patrie in Danger, Blanqui's organ, taunts the Parisians with a desire to surrender.
(Reuter's telegrams.)
Berlin, Nov. 16, 4 P.M.
The Provincial Correspondence, speaking of the recent steps taken by Russia, says: -- "The resolution of the Russian Government has made a great impression upon the Powers interested; but, according to the news received up to the present, none of them appear intent on refusing their serious consideration to the propriety of modifying the Treaty in question."
Brussels, Nov. 16.
The Independence Belge publishes a telegram from Vienna, dated yesterday, according to which England, Turkey, Austria, and Italy have agreed to observe a common and decisive attitude towards Russia, and a collective note to that effect is being drawn up.
Odessa, Nov. 16.
General Ignatieff, the Russian Envoy to the Sublime Porte, left to-day in the steamer Olga for Constantinople. Prince Gortschakoff's Circular has been received with enthusiastic approval in Russia.
Florence, Nov. 15, Evening.
To-morrow the King will receive the Turkish Ambassador, Photiades [?] Bey, who will present his credentials.
The journals point out the gravity of the position of affairs created by the renunciation by Russia of the Treaty of 1856.
Provided by Stephen McLaughlin