London Times, 14 November 1870, p. 5: RUSSIA AND THE TREATIES OF 1856.
The rumours concerning the intention of the Russian Government to demand a revision of the treaties of 1856 had, we fear, only too much foundation. It may, therefore, be well to recall the Articles in these treaties the revision or modification of which is most likely to be insisted upon by Russia. Article XI, of the treaty concluded at Paris on the 27th of April, 1856, declares that "the Black Sea is neutralized; its waters and its ports thrown open to the mercantile service of every nation, and formally and in perpetuity interdicted to the vessels of war either of the Powers possessing its coast or any other Power." By Article XIII of the same treaty the Emperor of Russia and the Sultan engage not to establish or maintain upon the Black Sea coast any military marine arsenal. By convention signed on the 30th of March, 1856, and annexed to the treaty, the Sultan bound himself, as long as he remained at peace, to allow no ship of war of any foreign Power to enter the Straits of the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus, thus closing the egress from the Black Sea to the Russian fleet; while Russia engaged not to maintain in the Black Sea more than six war steamships of 800 tons at the maximum, and four light steamers of war not exceeding 200 tons each. These are the stipulations the revision of which has always been an object of Russian policy. -- Observer.
Provided by Stephen McLaughlin